Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ The Metropolitan Opera: Stories of the Great Operas (Vol. 1) (v. 1) by John Freeman

The Metropolitan Opera: Stories of the Great Operas (Vol. 1) (v. 1) by John Freeman

The Metropolitan Opera: Stories of the Great Operas (Vol. 1) (v. 1)

The Metropolitan Opera: Stories of the Great Operas (Vol. 1) (v. 1) by John Freeman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Whether for quick, pre-performance reference or an evening of browsing through favorite stories, this volume is an invaluable addition to every opera-lover's library.

Here at last is the definitive opera story collection, the only one now authorized by the Metropolitan Opera. Written by the associate editor of Opera News magazine, the volume includes the complete plots of 150 different operas, biographical information on all of the 72 composers represented, easy access to the stories through both a table of contents and an index, and a foreword by Peter Allen.

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